What it is not. It is not the usual Men’s Breakfast followed by an inspirational speaker. It is also not threatening in that all are free to contribute or to merely listen and observe. No one is “put on the spot”, so to speak.
The Men’s Fellowship, sponsored by Grace Baptist Church, meets nearly bi-weekly on Saturday mornings at 7:00 AM. This seems to be the time that best suits everyone’s schedule, and, of course, folks are free to slip out early when necessary. Men of all ages and vocations from more than seven Evangelical churches in the area have attended the meetings. These times of thought-provoking lively discussion result in strengthened relationships, sharpened minds, and deepened faith. The time goes by quickly.
Previously discussed books include The Call by Os Guiness, Manly Dominion by Mark Chanski, The Universe Next Door by James Sire, Shattering the Gods Within by Dr. David F. Allen, Who Are You to Judge? by Erwin Lutzer, Extreme Righteousness: Seeing Ourselves in the Pharisees by Thomas O. Hovestol, The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller, How Should We Then Live? by Francis Schaeffer, Sense and Sensuality by Ravi Zacharias, Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate by Jerry Bridges, Contemplation: Intimacy in a Distant World by Dr. David F. Allen, Has Christianity Failed You by Ravi Zacharias, Fool’s Talk by Os Guiness, Spiritual Depression by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Art for God’s Sake by Philip Graham Ryken, Art and the Bible by Francis A. Schaeffer, and A Voyage of Discovery – The Ups and Downs of the Christian Life by Derek W. H. Thomas.
Dr. Peter Wallick leads the discussions, and they are hosted by Ron Jones. Chambersburg